Volunteer Mobilization Ministries

Volunteer Mobilization Ministries facilitates individual volunteer missionary appointments, summer service opportunities, group mission experiences, specialized service projects, and disaster response.
In addition to praying, American Baptists have traditionally been people of action, giving freely of their valuable time and talents to help survivors of tragedy throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Striking recent examples include volunteer efforts in response to hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the U.S. Gulf Coast area, where American Baptists and their partners logged countless hours of hands-on recovery work.
Ongoing Opportunities
Due to the impact of COVID-19 most ABHMS sponsored work with the following efforts have been limited and/or delayed. If you’re interested in learning more about future opportunities, please contact Lisa Harris Lee.
View all volunteer opportunities.
Please complete the ABHMS Mission Experience Interest Form.

ABHMS leads first mission trip since pandemic’s start
With pre-purchased airline tickets that were set to expire at year’s end, more than a dozen volunteers traveled to Puerto Rico in November 2021 on an American Baptist Home Mission Societies-led (ABHMS) mission trip. It was the first such trip since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared in March 2020. Ranging in age from their 20s into their 60s, 16 individuals from the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey region worked at two homes in addition to Iglesia Bautista de Quebrada and Corporación Milagros del Amor (CorMA), a partner of ABHMS’ Community Outreach Ministries. Read more.