Michele Turek

With Asians and Asian Americans being the largest growing demographic in American Baptist Churches USA, the Rev. Michele Turek sees her role as ABHMS’ National Coordinator for Asian Ministries as more important than ever. Rev. Turek has unbridled passion for God’s people, and she brings it to churches that serve refugee and immigrant communities and their succeeding generations, a population, she notes, that speaks more than 28 different languages.

 “I am called to equip and support ministers,” she says, “and partner with leaders and congregations so they can thrive in God’s call upon their lives.” Rev. Turek’s goal as National Coordinator is to strengthen the ministries of Asian churches, empower their leadership and build relationships with the larger American Baptist family. She is also particularly interested in how cultural identity and heritage interact with one’s faith.

 “The beautifully diverse tapestry of ABCUSA is one of the denomination’s greatest strengths,” says Rev. Turek. “As we build bridges, with Christ our Cornerstone, and learn from one another, we see more clearly the face of God.”

Rev. Turek has a long history of serving with the Alliance of Asian American Baptist Churches in a variety of leadership roles. She spent three years with Japanese Baptist Church of Seattle and then served as Field Operations Director for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. In addition to an undergraduate degree from University of California, Fresno, Rev. Turek has a Master of Divinity from Fresno Pacific University.


Phone: 610.768.2092

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