Abigaíl Medina Betancourt

The Rev. Abigaíl Medina Betancourt joined American Baptist Home Mission Societies in 2018 as Puerto Rico Volunteer Coordinator for “Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing Puerto Rico.” In 2021, she was named Intercultural Ministries Strategist, a position in which she encouraged sensitivity to cultural awareness, supported ministries in multicultural and intercultural contexts, and worked to strengthen American Baptist leaders’ capacity to implement effective ministries.

Today, Abigaíl is the National Coordinator for Intercultural Engagement and Associate Director of Creciendo Juntos, serving as a liaison to connect communities to work together. “My goal,” she says, “is to engage people in mission as a life-changing experience through serving with diverse people from different backgrounds and ethnicities.”

Her work empowers churches and communities to develop self-sustainable programs and cultivates new leaders in emerging generations who fight for justice.

A servant leader, Abigaíl has served in short-term mission in Thailand, Haiti and the Republic of Georgia, in addition to speaking at theological ecumenical encounters in Tanzania and Brazil.

Abigaíl holds a Master of Divinity from Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico and earned a certificate as a Project Management Professional (PMP®).



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