Where to Give

ABHMS provides ministry support in many ways to thousands of hurting individuals and families as well as American Baptist leaders, churches, regions and partners in mission. Our ministries cultivate Christian leaders who carry out the gospel call. Our ministries equip disciples who incarnate God’s love right here, right now. Our ministries heal and transform communities—communities devastated by poverty and racism, natural disasters and social injustice. There are many opportunities for giving.

Where does your passion connect with our ministries?


Give to these ministry areas or to their individual programs

Give to these specialized ministry areas


Give to these denominational campaigns

Tidings of Comfort and Joy, we’ve struggled to navigate life in this “new normal” brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences: loss of life, job loss and economic despair amidst civil unrest. While we continue to experience great uncertainty, we take refuge and find comfort in our faith in God’s love and even JOY in this season and in giving.

COVID-19 Recovery: Renewing Hope and Service, an emergency One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHSinitiative

Support Our ScholarsABHMS’ Scholarship Fund provides tuition support that reduces the weight of debilitating student-loan debt for undergraduate, graduate and seminary students who struggle to pay in a challenged economy. 

Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing Puerto Rico, great need still exists in Puerto Rico,  and ABHMS urges continued giving to help our brothers and sisters on the island.

America for Christ, impacting and transforming lives across the United States and Puerto Rico.

One Great Hour of Sharing, supporting disaster relief, development projects, and refugee ministries of the American Baptist Churches and its partners.

Give to honor the legacy of a family member or friend

Or create your own legacy by naming a portion of ABHMS’ offices, renovated in 2018. The Leadership and Mission Building (LAMB) is a national meeting place for American Baptists and provides meeting space for local community organizations as well. These naming opportunities are available:

Naming AreaMinimumAvaiability
Reception area$1,000,000 Available
The Learning Center$1,000,000Unavailable
The Pantry$500,000Available
Visitors Hub$250,000Unavailable
Copy center$50,000Available
Marble/Granite Bench LAMB entrance$10,000Available
Catering pantry$5,000Available
Conference Room plaques$100, $250, $500, $1000 Available