Cultivating Leaders

  • MinistrElife—a vibrant online network for religious professionals
  • American Baptist Personnel Services—a computer-based system that assists ministry professionals seeking opportunities to serve congregations and denominational entities
  • Chaplaincy and Specialized Ministries—American Baptist Home Mission Societies serves as the endorsing agent for American Baptist chaplains and pastoral counselors
  • Co-Creators Incubator—brings together creators and creative partners to provide resources and support to nurture the growth of innovative ministry ideas
  • Education and Scholarships—provides educational opportunities that nurture personal and professional growth of American Baptist students and ministry leaders
  • In Support of Excellence—a financial-empowerment program for pastors and lay leaders
  • Intercultural Ministries—resources and training that foster sharing and learning across cultures as an essential part of life together in Jesus Christ
  • Summer Passionary Institute—an immersive cohort experience for young adults who are seeking to discern their vocational path and engage with peers in a learning environment

Equipping Disciples

  • Center for Continuous Learning—offers interactive, intercultural, and incarnational learning experiences that respond to current trends in leadership training, critically engage the cultural moment for justice, and innovate mission education with emerging generations
  • The Christian Citizen—ABHMS magazine that focuses on justice issues, offering suggestions for personal witness and action
  • Evangelism—the first step in disciplemaking, because winning souls is much more than cultivating decisions for Christ
  • Workshops for Church Life and Leadership—small group learning opportunities for encouraging growth in spirituality, discipleship and leadership

Healing Communities

  • Community Outreach Ministries—these centers across the United States and Puerto Rico offer ministries developed to meet specific needs of children and families in their communities
  • Disability Ministries—explores ways to increase sensitivity to and awareness of ministry with persons with disabilities
  • Disaster Response—provides financial assistance through One Great Hour of Sharing gifts to meet immediate needs of disaster victims for food, clothing, shelter and medical care
  • Immigration and Refugee Resettlement—resources and services for immigrant and refugee communities as well as host congregations
  • Justice Dialogues – monthly roundtables facilitate Christian citizens working, living and praying together for a more just society
  • Mobilizing Volunteers—opportunities for individual and group mission experiences through summer service and specialized projects
  • Operation Planting Hope—Continuing the tradition of White Cross Overland, Operation Planting Hope (OPH) offers fresh approaches for individuals and groups to serve ABHMS’ Community Outreach Ministries partners, the Rizpah’s Children network and many other missional entities
  • Socially Responsible Investing—shaping a global economy built on justice and sustainability through use of investor influence to transform the corporate world

Judson Press

Daily devotions, Sunday school and small study group curricula and books connecting leadership, discipleship and justice are available from Judson Press, ABHMS’ publishing ministry. Topics include Baptist identity and beliefs, preaching and pastoral ministry, Bible study and  spiritual formation, Christian living and church leadership, stewardship and social justice. A leader in titles published for African-American Christians, Judson Press offers books for Asian American and Hispanic readers as well.