Research by Topic: susan-gottshall
ABHMS garners 4 awards from Religion Communicators Council
Published April 17, 2019VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 4/17/19)—At a dinner last week during its 2019 conference in Chicago, the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) presented American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) with four awards for projects completed in 2018. National Magazine Category An Award of Excellence was presented to Curtis Ramsey-Lucas, Editor of The Christian Citizen; Nadine Hasenecz, senior […]
Filed under: curtis-ramsey-lucas, danny-ellison, joshua-kagi, nadine-hasenecz, susan-gottshall, America-for-Christ, the-christian-citizen, religion-communicators-council
ABHMS garners 9 awards from Religion Communicators Council
Published April 6, 2018At left: American Baptist Home Mission Societies’ Curtis Ramsey-Lucas and Susan Gottshall receive awards from the Religion Communicators Council at a dinner in Atlanta.
Filed under: hurricane-harvey, curtis-ramsey-lucas, danny-ellison, joshua-kagi, nadine-hasenecz, susan-gottshall, the-christian-citizen, hurricane-irma, hurricane-maria, derose-hinkhouse-awards, religion-communicators-council, sue-peterrman
ABHMS staff visit Puerto Rico, plan for Phase II of recovery effort
Published December 1, 2017SAN JUAN, PR (ABNS 12/1/17)—With eight suitcases packed with more than 400 pounds of batteries in tow, Dr. Jeffrey Haggray, executive director of American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS), and six staff members visited Puerto Rico this week to assess disaster-relief efforts following hurricanes Irma and Maria and discuss plans for moving into Phase II […]
Filed under: josue-gomez-menendez, doris-garcia-rivera, corporacion-milagros-del-amor, adademia-bautista-de-puerto-nuevo, iglesias-bautistas-de-puerto-rico, primera-iglesia-bautista-de-cidra, segunda-iglesia-bautista-de-cidra, primera-iglesia-bautista-de-carolina, yamina-apolinaris, salvador-orellana, susan-gottshall, valoria-cheek, victoria-goff, healing-communities, jeffrey-haggray, one-great-hour-of-sharing, rebuilding-renewing-restoring, kristy-moeller, hurricane-maria, marilyn-turner-triplett, rebuilding-renewing-restoring-puerto-rico, roberto-dieppa-baez
Travelogue takes American Baptists on the road with ABHMS Disaster-response Ministries
Published September 25, 2017VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 9/25/17)—Beginning tomorrow, American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) takes American Baptists on the road with ABHMS Disaster-response Ministries as it assesses the damage and connects with survivors and others on the ground in hurricane-ravaged areas from Louisiana and Texas to Florida and Puerto Rico. Through photographs and videos as well as […]
Filed under: victoria, susan-gottshall, healing-communities, disaster-response, disaster-relief-ministries, rebuilding-renewing-restoring, hurricane-harvey, disaster-response-ministries, hurricane-irma, hurricane-maria
The Minidoka Pilgrimage: An American story for times such as these
Published July 4, 2016“American Citizens,” Acrylic, 24 x 34, 2015, by Roger Shimomura By Susan Gottshall The gray baseball cap and blue polo shirt were rather unremarkable, but the white Kleenex spoke a thousand words. Seated a few rows in front of me during the opening session of the Minidoka Pilgrimage, the anonymous everyman sat by himself in […]
Filed under: asian-ministries, healing-communities, pearl-harbor, minidoka, susan-gottshall