Webinar — Women in Ministry



Linda Johnson-LeBlanc, facilitator

Marketing Director, Publishing


Beyond the Stained Glass Ceiling, presented by Christine Smith

The reality of a stained glass ceiling is familiar to most women called to the pastorate. Despite being more likely to be seminary educated, female clergy constitute approximately 11% percent of ALL Protestant leading pastorates—and those who do hold such pastorates are generally paid less than their male counterparts. A 2015 study conducted by Duke University revealed that this figure has remained the same since 1998. In light of such statistics Rev. Christine A. Smith will explore how to overcome the challenges in breaking through the stained glass ceiling. She will discuss the necessary partnerships between women clergy and “power brokers,” and the role each must play in changing oppressive ecclesiastical dynamics.  Additionally, this webinar will examine the societal, psychological and theological factors that pull women towards “ceiling maintaining” mindsets such as low expectations. The concept of “holy ambition” will be unpacked.