Best-selling author writes new tome about liberation theologies
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 1/29/21)—From pastor, scholar and best-selling author the Rev. Dr. Marvin A. McMickle comes “Let the Oppressed Go Free: Exploring Theologies of Liberation,” which considers the evolution of liberation theologies in their historic and cultural contexts.
Beginning with the author’s own formative experiences with the Black theology of James Cone, this new volume explores the socio-economic implications of Latin American liberation theologies and considers in depth the theologies of feminist scholars, womanist theologians and women in ministry.
More than a chronological history or intellectual analysis, the book breathes with lived faith and practical theology, acknowledging the contexts out of which theologies of liberation emerge and the transforming impact they have on the socio-political lives of Christians today.
Accessible to academicians and laity alike, the book asserts that the subsequent theological reflection in the United States and around the world were formed using Black theology as a point of reference for other and different liberation struggles. It examines what the Bible says and what the Christian church should be saying and doing about other forms of oppression beyond that rooted in and based upon race and ethnicity.
Author McMickle is interim pastor of Antioch Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio, where he previously served as senior pastor for nearly 25 years. He has also served as past president of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, Rochester, N.Y. No stranger to academia, McMickle is professor emeritus at Ashland Theological Seminary, Case Western Reserve, Cleveland State, Princeton and Fordham universities. In 2009, he spent a semester as a visiting professor at Yale University Divinity School. A prolific author, McMickle has more than a dozen books to his credit, including resources on preaching, ministry and African-American history.
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