Research by Topic: victoria-goff

Passionaries Serving in New Orleans: The late Ward McClendon

Published April 20, 2016

Perhaps Ward McClendon’s nicknames—“Mack” and “Uncle Joe”—were a testament to the fact that the long-time New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward resident was greatly loved and admired not only by his community but also the American Baptist volunteers who had been serving alongside him year after year to rebuild the area after hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit in 2005. A selfless man and inspiration to many, McClendon died as this story was being written.

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Passionaries Serving in New Orleans: Shiloh Baptist Church, Wilmington, Del.

Published April 20, 2016

Mission outreach to New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward is an intergenerational effort at Shiloh Baptist Church, Wilmington, Del. For the past two years, parishioners ranging in age from 12 to 65 have served during American Baptist Home Mission Societies’ “Home Mission: ’Til the Work is Done.” And they’ll do it all again this August.

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Passionaries Serving in New Orleans: Linfield College, McMinnville, Ore.

Published April 20, 2016

“Life-changing.” That’s how Linfield College students describe volunteering with American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) during “Home Mission: ’Til the Work is Done” in the Gulf Coast. When students reflect, it’s obvious they’ve emerged from the experience just as—if not more so—positively affected than those they served.

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Passionaries Serving in New Orleans: First Baptist Church of Hanson, Mass., and TABCOM

Published April 20, 2016

In this 10th anniversary year of hurricanes Katrina and Rita’s destruction of the Gulf Coast, American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) presents “Passionaries Serving in New Orleans,” a series about the volunteers and residents who have been faithfully rebuilding New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward through ABHMS’ “Home Mission: ‘Til the Work is Done.”

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ABHMS seeks volunteers for various summer volunteer mission opportunities

Published February 6, 2015

VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 2/6/15)—American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) seeks volunteers for a variety of summer mission opportunities across the United States that will truly make a difference as they undergird individuals and positively impact communities. Louisiana On the 10th anniversary of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, volunteers continue to make a difference in the […]

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